Medium-sized, upright forest flycatcher with flat-headed appearance and large dark eye. Has rufous uppertail-coverts and tail, resulting in redstart-like appearance. Crown feathers are often slightly raised, giving crested appearance to nape. Has a rather plain face, with only a faint supercilium and indistinct eye-ring.
Common summer visitor to southern Gilgit-Baltistan in Ghizer, Astore and Diamer, absent from north-east. In summers at 1500-3000m in mixed coniferous and broadleaved forest; winters in edges and clearings of lowland evergreen broadleaved forest.
Forages in understorey, usually on edges of forest, rather than in interior; unobtrusive, usually detected by alarm calls; bobs forward and flicks wings in chat-like manner. Usually solitary or in pairs in breeding season. Diet includes small invertebrates, in particular flies, beetles and moths.
Photo Gallery:
Range & Occurrence:

Distribution Map of Rusty-tailed Flycatcher in Gilgit-Baltistan (Status: )
Seasonal Occurrence of Rusty-tailed Flycatcher
Birds of Pakistan: Helm Field Guides (R. Grimmett & T. Inskipp)
The Birds of Pakistan (T. J. Roberts)
Birds of the Indian Subcontinent (C. Inskipp, R. Grimmett & T. Inskipp)
Birds of South Asia: The Ripley Guide (P. Rasmussen & J. Anderton)
Birds of India: Collins Field Guide (N. Arlott)
Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan (S. Ali & S. D. Ripley)
Handbook of the Birds of the World (
The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 6th Edition
iNaturalist BoGB (
Birds of Gilgit-Baltistan (
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